Sponsored Riders

We have an amazing team of Horsemen and Horsewomen that believe in and promote our blankets.

​We have an amazing team of Horsemen and Horsewomen that believe in and promote our blankets. Team Cuttinup Riders are proud members of the Cuttinup Family. They know that even the smallest details are important and can effect their horses ability to perform. Great Horsemen & woman know the difference and want to give their equine athletes every advantage they can to be their best!

We are proud to have these amazing riders on Team Cuttinup!


Tyler DeLange
Josh Hofeldt
Kolby Moore
Colt Moore
Eric Ferreria
Nick Pilcher
Kelle Earnheart
Gavin Callaghan
Kody Porterfield
Kody Porterfield
Wes Galyean
Cara Brewer
Cara Brewer
Monty Buntin
Monty Buntin
Lindy Thorn
Lindy Thorn
Jesse Lennox
Jesse Lennox
Christian Miller
Christian Miller
Steve Oehlhof
Steve Oehlhof
Mike Wood
Mike Wood
Morgan Cromer
Morgan Cromer
Davide Facincani
Davide Facincani
Rodrigo Taboga
Rodrigo Taboga
Grant Setnicka
Grant Setnicka
Adan Banuelos
Adan Banuelos
Sean Flynn
Sean Flynn
Wes Ashlock
Wes Ashlock
Matt Miller
Matt Miller
Ryan Howell
Ryan Howell

Cow Horse

Josh Briggs
Kyle Trahern
Kyle Trahern
Clayton Edsall
Clayton Edsall
Corey Cushing
Justin Wright
Shad Parkinson
Shad Parkinson
Jay McLaughlin
Jay McLaughlin
Tyler Merrill
Tyler Merrill
Shannon Pigott
Shannon Pigott
Gusti Buerger
Gusti Buerger
Dale Clearwater
Dale Clearwater
Kelsey Love Thomas
Kelsey Love Thomas

Ranch Riding

Laurel Denton
Laurel (Lolli) Denton
Steve Meadows
Steve Meadows


Jojo Lemond
Cooper Vandiver
Cooper Vandiver

PCRA Tie-Down

Cash Hooper
Cash Hooper
Bryce Derrer
Bryce Derrer

Barrel Racing

Latricia Duke
Latricia Duke


Sharee & Steve Schwartzenberger
Sharee & Steve Schwartzenberger

Ranch Rodeo Teams

Silver Spurs Ranches
Silver Spur Ranches

Breakaway Roping

Jade Mitchell
Danielle Lowman
Danielle Lowman